Uploaded by YouTuber NOTsoNOISY Guillaume Reymond
Published on Sep 10, 2012
HESAV fait ses 400 coups! http://www.hesav.ch/faitses400coups
// ANIMATED TOWER (HESAV s'anime!) //
(EN) // A giant human and architectural performance realized by NOTsoNOISY Guillaume Reymond and Trivial Mass Production. The 11 floors tower of the HESAV (Health High School Vaud) has been animated as a rudimentary screen whose pixels are, in fact, all the windows and shutters that students, staff and friends shake for hours. This project announces the celebration "HESAV fait ses 400 coups!" from 1rst to 8th of November 2012 //
(c) 2012 NOTsoNOISY // http://www.NOTsoNOISY.com
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