AWAY (music video)
Artist Tim Matthews' work embodies the joy of stop-motion heuristic learning. Matthews admires low-budget ingenuity and likes stop-motion to be a little "ragged around the edges." You'll see influences such as (and homages to) Oliver Postgate and Terry Gilliam in his work.
When asked to describe his style, Matthews likened his work to "slightly more elaborate day-dream doodles around the themes of (my) lyrics. I try to devise surreal, dynamic visuals which are challenging to create but hopefully end up easy on the attention span."
In AWAY, Matthews explores a variety of stop-motion styles to animate another of his original songs.
Sharing a sentiment with all Stop Motion Planet fans, Matthews says he finds stop-motion "very Zen, creatively rewarding and (I'm) simply in love with the medium. My humble goal is to keep pushing myself to develop, improve and hopefully entertain anybody else who wants to watch along the way."
Keep it up, Tim!