Work in Progress (Pt 1) - Stop Motion Camera Tattoo
Uploaded by YouTuber Knux68
Uploaded on Sep 20, 2010
So after a long-while of me trying to hog traffic over to my flickr account, I decided to finally post my tattoo stop-motion video to youtube. The tattoo is taking longer than anticipated to finish so I've decided to post it up here for more people to see while I get work done on it.
From my flickr that day:
So with the help of Tony Touch, I am getting an awesome Nerd sleeve worked on whenever I go visit Toledo. We decided to roll with an evolution of cameras at first, then more nerdy references above.
Tony got the idea from another artist to do a stop-motion video where it looks like the tattoo does itself. I brought in a single alienbee and softbox, plus my handy new remote, and we got to it.
Hopefully we'll do this for the entire arm. I'd love to have that kind of record of progress on this :)
Since everyone is asking, some things about the tattoo:
-The actual time of the sitting was 4 hours
-This video is comprised out of 1054 shots
-"ROZWÓJ" is Polish for "development"
-The numbers on the film canister reflect the date I took my first serious photograph
-Yes, the film is 35mm, but it's not going into any of the cameras, just wrapping around. I'm well aware that it looks odd having it next to medium format cameras, but it will make sense when the rest of the sleeve is completed. :)
Song: Helen of Troy by Telefon Tel Aviv
License - Standard YouTube License
Music - "Helen of Troy" by Telefon Tel Aviv Listen ad-free with YouTube Red