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Christian Madsen is looking for your help. He and his wife Abigail are teaming up to create a wonderful nature inspired stop-motion short. Christian will lends his talents to the writing, designing, animating and editing. Abigail will be creating the music and also contributing to the script. Christian plans to record actual audio clips from nature rather than use stock audio files. This will lend even more to the originality of his vision. He has turned to Kickstarter to gain followers and financial support for the project. Read below to find out more about the story, click the Kickstarter link at the bottom to go directly to Christian's page and check out his Kickstarter video.

'The Emerald Deep is a 12 minute stop-motion animation short film about a tree-boy named Elpie. After being swept away in a river, young Elpie must fend for himself in a dangerous forest. He is timid but resourceful, and over time he builds a secure house for himself in the woods. Elpie is content, but still longs to return to his family.

Disaster strikes when an evil moose shows up and relentlessly harasses and attacks Elpie, and chases him out of the forest. Elpie escapes, but finds himself in a dark, gloomy and terrifying landscape that's haunted by a haggard wolf.

In this grim and blackened forest, Elpie shrinks in fear and anticipates his own demise. But the wolf's wretched appearance is deceptive, he is not dangerous at all, but rather friendly and helpful. Together, Elpie and the wolf team up and seek revenge against their common enemy. Will they succeed? You'll find out if we can get this project funded.'

Click here to visit his Kickstarter page

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